
about me

🖤 my name is nico, she/her
🖤 i live in the united states
🖤 i'm 30
🖤 i'm married
🖤 i’m a lesbian
🖤 i have a cat named orion & a golden retriever named milla
🖤 i work full-time
🖤 my main fandom is enstars; minor ones include acnh, pokemon, gbf, tales of, hannibal and fe3h
🖤 i collect rei sakuma, leo tsukinaga and aira shiratori merchandise
🖤 sometimes i write and post to ao3. i don’t share my account but feel free to dm if you’re curious


fave enstars characters:🦇 rei sakuma
🦁 leo tsukinaga
♥️ aira shiratori
🦊 kaoru hakaze
🎰 rinne amagi
🐱 izumi sena
fave enstars ships:🦁🐱 leoizu
♠️❤️ hiiai
🎰🍳 rinniki
🦇🦊 reikao
so expect to see the most RTs of those, but i also like: tatsumayo, junhiyo, koado, reiado, maoritsu, and himekoha. feel free to chat with me about any of them!i like a lot of other ships in enstars not mentioned here so you may see RTs of those from time to time.i also (like most people) have my fair share of ships i don’t like in enstars, but i use the mute function liberally. i genuinely don’t care what you ship or RT and i’m happy to be mutuals regardless.i tend to use emojis for favorite characters and ships for no real reason other than i think it’s cute.i use she/her for my personal interpretation of arashi. i don’t care what pronouns you use or how you view the character (or any character) because it’s fiction.faves from other fandoms:🖤 victor kresnik (tales of xillia 2)
🖤 alvin svent (tales of xillia/2)
🖤 velvet crowe (tales of berseria)
🖤 eizen (tales of berseria)
🖤 zelos wilder (tales of symphonia)
🖤 colette brunel (tales of symphonia)
🖤 hannibal lecter (hannibal - tv)
🖤 N (pokémon)

before you follow

🖤 please do not follow me if you're under 21
🖤 f/u/b free - no hard feelings, please curate your online space!
🖤 i don't care what you ship
🖤 i don’t engage in fandom discourse, as such, please keep discourse off my timeline
🖤 i’m christian (progressive and affirming) and while i don’t talk about it frequently please don’t follow if that makes you uncomfortable